Running: A FEVER

Hosted ByMichael Davis

A podcast about fitness, diet, and medicine.

Do you love your life enough to make it last? If so, this is the podcast for you. In it I talk about topics concerning your fitness, diet, and medical care, through my own experience and research. Catch the fever and love your life!

All Episodes

RAF214: Inside the Hospital with COVID-19

I went for a walk with a good friend this morning,...

RAF213: How Long O Lord?

How long, O LORD, will I call for help, And Thou...

RAF208: Update in the COVID-19 Era

This episode is a quick update on what’s going on with...

RAF206: The Physics of Fitness – Inertia, Momentum, and Movement

So I’ve been reading about Einstein and learning quite a bit...

RAF209: Fitness and Social Distancing

Today my friend Jill and her dog Sachi join me at...

RAF205: Distracted by Passion

I’ve not been working out for a few weeks now. It...

RAF207: Coronavirus, COVID-19, or SARS-CoV-2

This is a special episode. I am releasing it immediately, though...

RAF204: One Break … Coming Up!

“Breaking News” …. I am going to be taking a break...

RAF203: Fitness Goals for 2020

Do you do New Year’s resolutions? What are your goals for...