Running: A FEVER

Hosted ByMichael Davis

A podcast about fitness, diet, and medicine.

Do you love your life enough to make it last? If so, this is the podcast for you. In it I talk about topics concerning your fitness, diet, and medical care, through my own experience and research. Catch the fever and love your life!

All Episodes

RAF212: Living to 100 – Kane Tanaka

Last year I counted down the 10 longest-lived people and talked...

RAF241: Inflammation and COVID-19

We know what COVID-19 is, the disease caused by the SARS-COV-2...

RAF221: Multisysmptom Inflammatory Syndrome

In episode 220, I mentioned PMIS or Pediatric Multisymptom Inflammatory Syndrome,...

RAF220: Long Term Effects of COVID-19

In the midst of everything we’re doing and experiencing and all...

RAF216: David “El Pero” Hernandez – Professional Wrestler

Running: A FEVER interviewed professional wrestler David “El Pero” Hernandez. He...

RAF215: David Hernandez – Competitive Bodybuilder

Running: A FEVER interviewed competitive bodybuilder David Hernandez. He tells us...

RAF219: Cabin Fever

Well a lot of us have been pretty much home bound...

RAF211: Living to 100 – 2020

Last year I did a whole series on the longest-lived people...

RAF210: The Greatest Success Story Ever Told

I’ve been thinking a bit about old age lately. From time...