Running: A FEVER

Hosted ByMichael Davis

A podcast about fitness, diet, and medicine.

Do you love your life enough to make it last? If so, this is the podcast for you. In it I talk about topics concerning your fitness, diet, and medical care, through my own experience and research. Catch the fever and love your life!

All Episodes

RAF225: What is Dementia?

There is a group of brain disorders in which the patient...

RAF245: COVID-19 May Reduce I.Q.

I’m sorry to interrupt our fascinating study of dementia, but this...

RAF224: Introduction to Dementia

This episode is the beginning of a major series. I have...

RAF243: Annual Physical 2020

An annual physical is essential to optimal health management. If you...

RAF242: COVID and the Family Doctor

RAF222: Hydration and your Kidneys

Medical Dept. This episode I’m joined by my friend, who just...

RAF218: Coffee

Well, I love my coffee. I don’t think about it much...

RAF217: Honey

I love honey, especially our local Mountainburg honey and other local...

RAF223: Hydration and Sports with David Hernandez

Medical Dept. I wanted to emphasize hydration in a couple of...