
RAF113: All About BPA’s

Bisphenol A, also known as BPA. What is it? BPA is one of the most common industrial chemicals on the planet. It is used to make clear, tough plastic, like you see in all manner of containers, CD’s,DVD’s and epoxy used to line food containers and water pipes. Why are we talking about this? Controversy…

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RAF112: Phoenix Burner 5K

http://RunningAFEVER.com A “5K” is a five-kilometer race. There are many of these and they are very popular as they are accessible to a large number of people. Usually they cost about $20 to enter, proceeds usually benefit a charity, and you always get a t-shirt and usually some other giveaway items as well. It is…

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TOS050: Facing Finals I – Bucket List & Forgiveness

http://PatriarchMinistries.com Join Patti Brunner and Truth of the Spirit guest Dc. John Pate for Facing Finals Session 1: Bucket List & Forgiveness. Do you have a “Bucket List” somewhere that needs to be refreshed? As weather seasons change, we can see the same rhythm take place in our lives. In the winter of our lives it may be…

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RAF111: Do It For Fun!

Today I went out on the trail right after work to just walk, like I used to do every day in the old days. I did it mostly because I enjoy it. But doing things you enjoy can also relieve stress, which is an important factor in health and longevity. In my most recent dietician…

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TOS049: Conclusion Retreat with Fr. Phillip Scott – Come to the Water Part VI

http://bit.ly/2RgEJ86 Join Patti Brunner and Truth of the Spirit for the conclusion of Come to the Water retreat given by Fr. Phillip Scott in Arkansas at Subiaco Coury House Retreat Center to the Arkansas Charismatic Leaders. Our nature says “What can I do for God?” To go deeper the Lord asks us: “What can I do…

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WL020: Rick Parker

Rick Parker is a well-traveled man with an impressive resume by any standards, but his family and faith come first.  Living in Colorado in 1985, he met, fell in love, and married his wife Marianne.  Together, they have two children—James, and Jennifer, who is married to their son-in-law, Nick Reed. Both Rick and Marianne grew…

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