
TOS054: Basics of Faith II – Basics to Reading the Bible

http://PatriarchMinistries.com One of the goals of the Truth of the Spirit podcasts is to remind you of the Spirit filled facets of our Christian faith, sometimes returning to the basics to allow you better access to teachings and actions of those inspired by the Holy Spirit. Please join Patti Brunner and Truth of the Spirit…

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RAF119: Post-Holiday Fat

http://RunningAFEVER.com It’s been a long day, starting at 5:30 A.M. with my first trip to the gym in 2-1/2 weeks, and continuing tonight with a Blue Zone dinner later. I’m doing a walk on the same day, and it’s a good thing I’m getting all this activity in, because I am dealing with about 15…

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RAF118: Even If

http://RunningAFEVER.com Today’s podcast episode is inspired by the Mercy Me song “Even If”. In the song, the singer acknowleges that God can take away any troubles anyone may have. Often, He chooses not to rid us of our problems exactly when we want to be rid of them. But even then, the singer’s hope is…

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TOS053: Basics of Faith I – Basics of the Catechism

http://PatriarchMinistries.com I am Patti Brunner and on this episode of Truth of the Spirit I will give you some Basics on Using the Catechism of the Catholic Church. For first time users and beginners it can be a bit confusing. But I assure you after you listen or watch this podcast you’ll be finding nuggets…

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RAF117: Thermogenics and Fat Burners

http://RunningAFEVER.com There’s a sort of prankster at work who gave me a Christmas present that included “Blazin Rectum Rub”, which I assume is a real spicy meat seasoning. It occurred to me that this product may have thermogenic qualities. What are thermogenics? These are substances which encourage the production of heat in the body. One…

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RAF116: Roadside Park in the Natural State

http://RunningAFEVER.com On a long trip, I stop at a rest area along my route and take a brief walk to get some fresh air and stretch my life. I emphasize the psychological as well as physical benefits of striving to get into nature whatever is going on in our lives. It is a short walk…

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TOS052: Facing Finals III – Preparing for a Happy Death and Eternal LIfe

http://PatriarchMinistries.com Join Patti Brunner and Truth of the Spirit for concluding Facing Finals Session 3: Preparing for a Happy Death and Eternal Life. Saint Anthony of Padua wrote that “Nothing is more certain than death and nothing more uncertain than the day and hour of our death.” Sue Yarbrough taught children, “The happiest day of your life is…

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RAF115: The Injury – One Year Later

http://RunningAFEVER What impact did this major injury have on my overall journey to good health? What did I learn from it? In this episode I review what happened and the legacy of this important event. Today I am doing what helps me deal with stress — walking in nature and conversing with you, the listener….

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RAF115: The Injury – One Year Later

What impact did this major injury have on my overall journey to good health? What did I learn from it? In this episode I review what happened and the legacy of this important event. Today I am doing what helps me deal with stress — walking in nature and conversing with you, the listener. This…

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TOS051: Facing Finals II – What Do You Leave Behind? & Preplanning Your Funeral

http://PatriarchMinistries.com Join Patti Brunner and Truth of the Spirit guest Dc. Clarence Leis for Facing Finals Session 2: What Do You Leave Behind? & Preplanning Your Funerals. Many of us are heading into our senior season. In the winter of our lives it may be more difficult to complete various  tasks. Take up those challenges and chores and…

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