
TNT056: Relaunch: Time to Arise

Welcome Back! Host, Becky Carter, relaunches the podcast by sharing how God led her back to the microphone and how she plans to continue on with the original mission of encouraging women to serve Christ in their feminine vocation. Check out the new look and the new sound! Download this episode.

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RAF132: Caloric Restriction and Longevity

http://RunningAFEVER.com Caloric restriction (CR) is a reduction in caloric intake of 20-50% without malnutrition. NOT STARVING! There are no long-term benefits to starving :-). There’s not even a long term. The process we are concerned with is called hormesis, which is when the body goes into defense mode, abating some aging processes. There is no…

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TOS060: Basics of Faith VIII – Basics of Salvation

http://PatriarchMinistries.com With this episode I’m going to wrap up the series on the Basics of Faith with the Basics of Salvation. Man was cast into darkness when sin entered the world. Over time mankind got ‘used to the dark’. Jesus became man to become the perfect sacrifice to redeem the prisoners and set them free….

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RAF131: Why You Need a Cheat Meal

http://RunningAFEVER.com The need or desire to lose weight can send us to extremes. For me that’s what causes my failure. Today I do thing a different way. In my diet, nothing is offlimits, but I watch my calorie count. So I have a cheat meal now and then, just try not to make it a…

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RAF130: Strength and Aging

http://RunningAFEVER.com Ever since my friend Tom mentioned it to me a couple of years ago, I’ve been concerned with the need for strength as we get older. It makes sense. But why is that exactly? I found that there is some amazing research on strength loss as we age, the need for muscle strength in…

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TOS059: Basics of Faith VII – Basics of the Real Presence

Join Patti Brunner and Truth of the Spirit to explore Basics of Faith with the Basics of the Real Presence.  The Real Presence of the risen Christ in the Eucharist is beyond our understanding. It is an inexhaustible mystery. Yet the infallible teaching authority of the Catholic Church has proclaimed it for nearly 2000 years because God reveals his truth to us in…

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RAF129: Tom Brady’s TB12 – Tech-Enabled Sleepwear

Get Athletic Recovery Sleepwear: http://RunningAFEVER.com/sleepwear Fashion Department. In Tom Brady’s book The TB12 Method, he recommends what he calls “tech-enabled sleepwear”. This is a new term for me and piqued my interest, we’re always interested in fashion, especially if it helps us love and live longer. What is this thing? PJ’s with fibers impregnated with…

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RAF128: The Blue Zones Solution (Book Review)

http://RunningAFEVER.com In 2008 Dan Buettner published his first book on the Blue Zones, based on his research for National Geographic. He produced a second book, Thrive: Finding Happiness the Blue Zones Way, in 2010. The Blue Zones Solution: Eating an Living Like the World’s Healthiest People, is the third in this series. The edition reviewed…

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TOS058: Basics of Faith VI – Priest, Prophet, and King

http://PatriarchMinistries.com Join Patti Brunner and Truth of the Spirit to explore Basics of Faith with the Basics of the Laity’s Role as Priest, Prophet and King. Jesus provides the example for us to lead an abundant life as Priest, Prophet, and King. Jesus is the High Priest. There is a ministerial priesthood and a common priesthood….

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RAF127: Bigger, Leaner, Stronger (Book Review)

http://RunningAFEVER.com Get the book: http://RunningAFEVER.com/BiggerLeanerStronger In the world of body-building, knowledge is power. Bigger, Leaner, Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Male Body, by Michael Matthews is an attempt to provide a more-or-less complete reference for diet and exercise, specifically for men intent on becoming physically lean and muscular. The edition reviewed is…

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