TOS050: Facing Finals I – Bucket List & Forgiveness

Join Patti Brunner and Truth of the Spirit guest Dc. John Pate for Facing Finals Session 1: Bucket List & Forgiveness. Do you have a “Bucket List” somewhere that needs to be refreshed? As weather seasons change, we can see the same rhythm take place in our lives. In the winter of our lives it may be more difficult to complete various tasks. Take up those challenges and chores and see how completing your own tasks can then benefit others. The steps you must take to prepare for “final days” are similar for everyone. Not to worry but to prepare. Most people who are healthy plan to live forever—but they don’t really consider the eternal living in the Kingdom of God. Death can catch the unprepared ‘off guard’. People worry about earthly things. Yet most people on their death bed are concerned not concerned about money but about dying. This, if it is a fear, shows that the soul is unprepared, when time for ‘mending fences’ and forgiveness slips away. It is the survivors who focus on the material things. How does ‘everyone’ prepare for final days? Our guest speaker, Dc. John Pate, served as a chaplain to the dying for over ten years. Listen to his poignant stories from their bedsides to focus on your own bucket list. Patti Brunner will then help you in your bucket list quest to forgive others. More help for your “Bucket List and Forgiveness” is available on

Check out Dc. John Pate’s fascinating autobiography “Blest: From Preacher’s Kid to Catholic Deacon “ and other books on
