HTH003: The 5th Luminous Mystery – The Institution of the Eucharist

Today we will pray the 5th Luminous Mystery:  “The Institution of the Eucharist”. This will complete our series of the Luminous Mystery.

For me, Eucharist is not just the remembrance of the Last Supper. It actually BECOMES the celebration of the Last Supper… right here on the Holy Altar in the anointed hands of our Priests… and I become one with Jesus and His disciples there in the upper room. I picture myself quietly kneeling in a corner participating in this amazing event and listening to every word Jesus is speaking. I see the Apostle John lean his head on the heart of Jesus and wish I could do that.

As we read in John 6: 56… Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.'” Our beloved JESUS DESIRES to live within us. In Eucharist Jesus actually joins His body, blood, soul, and divinity within us. Just think, we become spiritually and sacramentally one with Christ. This realization has changed my life! Jesus has become my beloved and friend as well as Savior. I pray this realization for you too.

Check out this episode!