
TOS082: False Gods

False Gods. Are your favorite saints a football team? In this episode of Truth of the Spirit Patti Brunner looks at the False gods that we have allowed into our homes and how the first commandment of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob continues to be relevant today. “I am the Lord your God,…

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RAF175: 5 Health Benefits of House Plants

We all know the benefits of healthy fruits and vegetables in our diets, but have you ever heard that just having plants around can make you healthier? According to an article at treehugger.com, These are the 5 benefits: 1. Better breathing. 2. Staving off illness. 3. Cleaner air. 4. Speedy healing. 5. Better work performance….

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RAF174: Tom Brady Starts his 20th Year with Patriots

The NFL starts Early! I suppose there are international exhibition games in July, and by August the preseason has started. Of course coaches want to be careful about using their key players before the season starts, so we expect not to see the starters play that much. But practice started last week, and I’m in…

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TOS081: Patriarchs of the Old Testament

The Patriarchs show a way to seek God and to share our lives with him. On Truth of the Spirit, host Patti Brunner discusses the Patriarchs of the Old Testament starting with Abraham, our Father of Faith, and then continue the blood line. I’m going to tell their story. I will show you how they foreshadow Christ and…

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RAF173: Sunburn and Longevity

Medical department. I took a sick day this week because of sunburn. I mentioned in an earlier episode that I neglected to apply sunscreen one day, that was last Sunday. On top of that day, in which I did a full 5.screw-5 mile walk, lasting close to two hours out, at least partially, in the…

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RAF172: Eating Right by Thinking Right

I know what you’re thinking. “How can you put everything about eating right in one episode? After all, you’ve already talked about it for most of 171 episodes and you’re still going.” Good point! I’m looking at how to eat right in terms of sticking to a plan. We know that habit and discipline go…

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TOS080: Do Women Need Jesus?

“Do Women Need Jesus?” is the question answered in this episode of Truth of the Spirit with host Patti Brunner. The focus of the world tells women they need to be pretty or rich or dressy or healthy or active or smart. But we say: You need Jesus; Jesus is enough for you. The women…

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RAF171: Back on Track

This episode is a brief update. It’s important for me to be honest with you about the struggles I face, no matter how bad things get. I don’t share everything, there are some lines I don’t cross, but for the most part, when it comes to fitness, diet, and medicine, I provide my own experience…

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RAF170: Living to 100 and Beyond – Jeanne Calment

Welcome to the 11th and final (at least for a while) episode on super-centenarians. And this time it’s all about the queen of longevity herself, Jeanne Louise Calment. She lived 122 years, 164 days, from February 1, 1875 to August 4, 1997. She is the oldest person ever with documented proof. See the full post…

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TOS079: Truth About the Body of Christ with Rick Brunner

http://PatriarchMinistries.com Rick Brunner speaks to the confusion about the “Truth About the Body of Christ” on this episode of “Truth of the Spirit” hosted by Patti Brunner. Baptized Christians are in the body of Christ. Using the Catechism and scripture, Rick brings clarity to these points: 1) One Baptism, one Lord, for all; 2) The…

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