
TOS123: On Track to Holiness

Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner episode “On Track to Holiness” uniquely uses a banquet table to help you understand God’s gift of holiness. Using the Catechism and Holy Scriptures, Patti Brunner describes ways the Church helps us to stay “On Track to Holiness” even after getting derailed. Blog of this episode is available…

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RAF221: Multisysmptom Inflammatory Syndrome

In episode 220, I mentioned PMIS or Pediatric Multisymptom Inflammatory Syndrome, as a complication affecting some children diagnosed with COVID-19 disease. COVID-19 is the disease. The virus is officially called SARS-COV-2. Now, I’ve heard about this in the news, and I thought it might be a new disease split off from COVID. The first wikipedia…

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RAF220: Long Term Effects of COVID-19

In the midst of everything we’re doing and experiencing and all the bad news, it’s easy to forget that many thousands of people have recovered after being sick with the COVID-19 virus. That being the case, we should have some information on any residual effects of the disease. Read the full post at http://RunningAFEVER.com/220 Check…

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TOS122: Warnings from Mary Queen of Heaven and COVID-19

Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner presents several of the Church approved apparitions of the Blessed Mother Mary and the warnings she has given to individuals and to the entire world in recent times in light of COVID-19. Includes Our Lady in Akita (Japan) 1973 approved 1984; Our Lady of Good Help (Mary, Queen…

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RAF216: David “El Pero” Hernandez – Professional Wrestler

Running: A FEVER interviewed professional wrestler David “El Pero” Hernandez. He tells us what it’s like being a pro wrestler, his influences and inspiration, how he got into this entertaining sport and his hopes for a future career in the big time. http://RunningAFEVER.com/216 Check out this episode!

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TOS121: Garden Cycle of Prayer – Seed, Toil, and Harvest

Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner. Today’s episode is “Garden Cycle of Prayer – Seed, Toil, and Harvest”. We will discuss how the cycle we see in nature in the garden, an example that Jesus used to describe the Kingdom of God, is also the cycle visible in prayer. Paying attention to the cycle…

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RAF215: David Hernandez – Competitive Bodybuilder

Running: A FEVER interviewed competitive bodybuilder David Hernandez. He tells us how he went from an overweight teenager to a healthy man with less than 20% body fat. He relates his inspiration to get into the sport, and how he works in a schedule of intense workouts and a training diet into his schedule. http://RunningAFEVER.com/215…

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TOS120: Holy Coincidences – Affirmations of God’s Presence and Plan

Have you ever felt that ordinary things have happened to you at extraordinary times? This episode of Truth of the Spirit offers you “Holy Coincidences-Affirmations of God’s Presence and Plan” with Patti Brunner. We need affirmations of the presence of God in our lives. And all receive benefit from considering how often God is with…

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RAF219: Cabin Fever

Well a lot of us have been pretty much home bound and not by choice necessarily. It’s certainly possible to get out, but we incur risk to ourselves, our families, and others of contracting or spreading the COVID-19 virus. There is not a complete knowledge of what harm it does, and I have heard statements…

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TOS119: Fear vs. Fear of the Lord

Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner discusses Fear vs Fear of the Lord by sharing a sinister tale of demonic manifestation. The Catechism helps us to understand fear as a passion. Fear of the Lord allows you to step forward in faith no matter what difficulty arises. Fear is generally thinking something bad is…

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