Running: A FEVER

RAF117: Thermogenics and Fat Burners There’s a sort of prankster at work who gave me a Christmas present that included “Blazin Rectum Rub”, which I assume is a real spicy meat seasoning. It occurred to me that this product may have thermogenic qualities. What are thermogenics? These are substances which encourage the production of heat in the body. One…

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RAF116: Roadside Park in the Natural State On a long trip, I stop at a rest area along my route and take a brief walk to get some fresh air and stretch my life. I emphasize the psychological as well as physical benefits of striving to get into nature whatever is going on in our lives. It is a short walk…

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RAF115: The Injury – One Year Later

http://RunningAFEVER What impact did this major injury have on my overall journey to good health? What did I learn from it? In this episode I review what happened and the legacy of this important event. Today I am doing what helps me deal with stress — walking in nature and conversing with you, the listener….

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RAF115: The Injury – One Year Later

What impact did this major injury have on my overall journey to good health? What did I learn from it? In this episode I review what happened and the legacy of this important event. Today I am doing what helps me deal with stress — walking in nature and conversing with you, the listener. This…

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RAF113: All About BPA’s

Bisphenol A, also known as BPA. What is it? BPA is one of the most common industrial chemicals on the planet. It is used to make clear, tough plastic, like you see in all manner of containers, CD’s,DVD’s and epoxy used to line food containers and water pipes. Why are we talking about this? Controversy…

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RAF112: Phoenix Burner 5K A “5K” is a five-kilometer race. There are many of these and they are very popular as they are accessible to a large number of people. Usually they cost about $20 to enter, proceeds usually benefit a charity, and you always get a t-shirt and usually some other giveaway items as well. It is…

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RAF111: Do It For Fun!

Today I went out on the trail right after work to just walk, like I used to do every day in the old days. I did it mostly because I enjoy it. But doing things you enjoy can also relieve stress, which is an important factor in health and longevity. In my most recent dietician…

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