This is the sixth and final episode in a series on brain chemicals which started with Episode 139 ( See episode 139 for an overview of these chemicals based on Simon Sinek’s speech “Why Leaders Eat Last”.
Cortisol is known as the stress hormone. It is the first stage of ‘fight or flight’ process. It gives us emergency energy, but to get it, shuts down some things like growth and the immune system. It inhibits release of oxytocin, which makes us self-interested and less interested in social bonding.
It’s also tied to belly fat because of its association with metabolism, which we’ll discuss later.
Cortisol is called a steroid, though WebMD actually uses it in the definition of steroid, referring to steroids as synthetic drugs. And points out that corticosteroids are different from the male hormone-related steroid compounds that some athletes use.
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