IG003: Perry Fontana

Today Joe interviewed Perry Fontana, the CEO of Fontana Energy Associates. A titan in the energy space. Always raw and real, as expected, Perry came with it and brought the goods! His commentary on the transition of the grid, the unique skillsets & tools necessary for success, thoughts on the younger generation in the space, and the hallmark of a successful project were absolutely outstanding. 

Perry has over 35 years of experience in the development and permitting of generation, transmission, and energy storage projects. He has worked in all regions of the United States and multiple locations internationally.

He has expertise in site selection, permitting, development, and financing of energy facilities, both conventional and renewable energy. He served as Vice President-Development for both RES Americas and Ausra. While at URS Corporation, he was responsible for the Electric Power Business Line in the Western U.S. and for all international offices. At that time, he was responsible for the development and permitting of over 5000 Mw of generation. He has served as an adviser to several major companies, and financial institutions such as the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and InterAmerican Development Bank

As President of Fontana Energy Associates, he provides support to energy project development for several major energy clients. Their services include a wide range of development support from site selection to permitting and supporting the overall development process. Fontana Energy supported the development of several renewable energy projects ranging from 5 to 300 Mw. In addition, they provided development and permitting support to natural gas generation projects in several locations. Their permitting experience also includes support to a 220-mile high voltage transmission line proposed in the western U.S. Fontana Energy also provides due diligence support for asset acquisition in the generation sector for both renewable and conventional technologies.



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